UN International Day in Support
for Victims of Torture 2022
This year Spirasi, Centre for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Torture, will host an online event to mark the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 2022.

As an organisation supporting torture survivors and their families, Spirasi stands with people worldwide to call for an end to the horrific act of torture, and for increased resources for vital holistic rehabilitation supports. This event is open to all those interested in this endeavour. On the day, we will hear from a variety of keynote speakers who we hope will spark reflection, discussion, and questions among those who attend.
Time and Date: 25/06/22, 10am-12pm
Zoom: follow this link (password 992405) or go to this website https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82291080564?pwd=d2pLWGxHaUZEY3ZWbndMaE5LcTc4UT09

Professor Renos Papadopoulos (Director of the 'Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees', University of Essex) will discuss the multiple distorting effects of torture. In particular, the tendency to inadvertantly revictimise those that we wish to help.

Dr. Rachel Hoare (Trinity College Dublin) will present her interim findings on her research, funded by the Irish Research Council's New Foundations Scheme (2021), into Spirasi's befriending programme. Befriending links people attending Spirasi with trained volunteers to combat loneliness, reduce isolation, and promote dynamic integration.

Two representatives who have met through Spirasi's befriending support service will speak about their experiences of this programme.