
Through Universities and Dublin based links, Spirasi offers Internship, placement, work experience and volunteering to students with strong skills and interest in working with asylum seekers, refugees including survivors of torture. Students identified by their various institutions of learning are interviewed by Spirasi.

Spirasi has a long History of providing public education awareness to Spiritan schools and 3rd Level institutions in Ireland, Germany and the USA.We provide internships to students and we work closely with Universities.

In 2019, Spirasi has offered 3 months internships each to students from the following Universities/ Backgrounds:


January to April 2019

Technological University of Blanchardstown:

3rd Year Student from the Department of Youths and Community studies.

University of Dublin, Tallaght:

3rd Year student from the Department of Social studies.

Roberts Wesleyan College, New York:

3rd Year Student from The Department of Social Studies.


June to August 2019

University of Paris:

2nd Year Student from the Department of Political Sciences.

Penn State University, USA:

1 Student.

Emory University, Atlanta, USA:

1 Student.



Spirasi In Touch - A Piece Written By Jamal Burns during his Internship with Spirasi over the Summer of 2018.