Jobs and Careers
Fundraising Coordinator Required - Part Time
(with focus on Major Donor & Parrtnerships)
Spirasi supports victims of torture to rebuild their lives in Ireland.
Spirasi wishes to recruit a Fundraising Coordinator (Part-time) with a focus on Major Donor and Partnerships to continue its ambitious expansion programme. This person will be responsible for further designing and implementing a fundraising plan to ensure that Spirasi has the financial resources to deliver on its mission. Excellent managerial and communication skills are essential, as the Fundraising Coordinator will work closely with prospects and donors across a number of main constituencies (schools, alumnae, students, religious, clergy, and business leaders), as well as with high-level volunteer leadership.
Please send a CV and a brief letter of motivation (no more than 1 page) – both of which should show how your skills and experience match the requirements of the post - via email to director@spirasi.ie with ‘Spirasi Fundraiser Coordinatorr’ and your name in the subject of the email.
It is envisaged that the role will become a fulltime position.
Enquiries: Director, phone 01-8389664 or email: director@spirasi.ie
Closing Date: Monday 10th January 2022
Interview Date: Rolling basis
Start Date: January 2022
Salary: €43,000 Pro-rata