Spirasi offers 4 Levels of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). These QQI accredited courses form part of the integration and rehabilitation programme. Classes are offered free of charge and are funded by the City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB).
Overview of Spirasi Education Programme.
In Spirasi, we believe that integration is not only a concept, but a process; a very complex process that requires the participation of all parties involved.
We embrace diversity and hope to provide an environment which is highly conducive to learning. Spirasi’s Education programmes aid vulnerable migrants, including asylum seekers, refugees, survivors of torture and their family members, not only in acquiring English language skills, but more importantly, in gaining the confidence to participate in a new society. Our clients enter Irish society as adults and must quickly gain new living skills in order to face the challenges at the door of a “new beginning”. Over the last 20 years, Spirasi students have contributed hugely to the creation of a friendly and welcoming centre, a vibrant and diverse stepping stone community, offering holistic support during the integration journey.
In line with our Strategic Goals, the Spirasi Education and Integration service complements our rehabilitation work. It provides an education service, including English language training, Computer, Numeracy and knitting classes for asylum seekers and refugees.
Form the start of Spirasi services in 1999, English classes formed the basis of the services Spirasi provided to asylum seekers and refugees prior to the special focus on survivors of torture in 2003.
QQI English Courses
Our QQI English Courses places a strong emphasis on learning how to learn on your own and focuses on the 4 skills of English language learning: reading, writing, listening and speaking. All of our classes are lively and dynamic with learners expanding and consolidating their knowledge of English structure and vocabulary through activities and material based on situations and texts from everyday Irish life. Over the years, a broadly defined curriculum has been developed for our English classes. At the end of each course, the work of our students are evaluated internally and externally (CDETB) and graduation ceremonies are organised to celebrate the achievements of our students prior to receiving their QQI certificates.
Graduation Ceremonies
Graduation ceremonies are part of the highlights of every year and this always happens at the end of the academic year in June.
Main Funders: CDETB
We are grateful to the CDETB for the financial support that sustains our English language and IT programme. The contribution we receive from our well trained English,Computer and Numeracy teachers helps our clients to gain the confidence needed for better integration. This learning programme entirely reflects the needs of our service users who have always been active players in all of our activities. We hope that it inspires other organisations involved in the building of a new “integrated Ireland”.
English Language Programme
English and Literacy Classes QQI ESOL Level 3
Introductions Alphabet
My Family
English for Living in Ireland QQI, ESOL Level 4
Daily Routines
Health Education
Government Services
Personal Information
Irish Life
My Future
English for Work and Training QQI , ESOL Level 5
Jobs and Careers
Further Education
Jobseeking Services
Course Applications
Job Applications CV and Interviews
Working in Ireland
Cultural Awareness
Formal Correspondence
Autonomous Learning
The Academic Calender
There are three terms per year: September to December, January to Mid April, Mid April to June.
School holidays/Breaks and temporal location of English and Numeracy classes
There are no mid-term breaks. All classes, registration and enquiries take place in our main office.
Complete Beginners Level English Classes
Many students come to Spirasi with literacy difficulties. Some of our clients have not received formal education in their country of origin, often due to war or displacement, and need to learn how to read and write. Others are literate in a different script to the Latin script used in English.
This class focuses on the basics in grammar, reading, writing, and speaking. These classes help you get your English up to a high enough standard to join a QQI level course in the future. The variety of topics covered is wide but generally we try to make the class as fun and engaging as possible so that students of all levels become comfortable in a classroom environment and gain practical skills which they can use outside the classroom too.This level 2 class is run by dedicated volunteers.
Many learners come to Spirasi needing help with basic numeracy. This, compounded with low literacy and English language knowledge, can make the practicalities of life in Ireland very difficult. For these learners, a thorough and basic numeracy course has been designed specially for Spirasi.
The course covers the basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry needed for practical everyday tasks. On completion of the course, learners can get QQI accreditation for their work, which contributes towards basic education certification.
Computers (IT) Levels 2&3 Classes
Spirasi provides Computer Literacy classes at QQI Level 2&3 to students who wish to acquire or improve their Information Technology (IT) skills needed to participate in today’s information society. The curriculum covers popular office applications needed in the workplace, including word processing, presentations, email, and spreadsheets. In addition, learners are introduced to websites of interest for career planning and further education.
Knitting class
Run by very dedicated volunteers, this knitting class which has been going on for a very long time now provides women from the Spirasi client group the possibility to learn or continue to knit together with their new friends who are mostly Irish. This class runs 1 day a week and presents a unique opportunity for integration and a place where women feel safe and comfortable to have conversations while enjoying knitting and crochet.