Psychosocial Support
Psychosocial officers are part of the multidisciplinary team that draws up care plans for clients after initial assessment (IA) by physicians and Therapists. They offer information sessions, on a weekly basis, to recently arrived asylum seekers and refugees at the Reception Centres in Dublin and Co Meath.
Psychosocial Support
‘The Psychosocial team provides a range of supports to enable and empower Spirasi clients to access external supports and realize their rights and entitlements. This most often involves assistance in accessing legal advice, resolving issues with accommodation, support in accessing local supports and community and dealing with public services. The team currently cover two outreach activities in Balseskin and Mosney. Balseskin is the main Reception Centre in Ireland for asylum seekers in Ireland, and the psychosocial team provide an awareness session one day per week on torture and the availability of our services.’
Strategic Plan 2018-2020 p. 12
Another important part of our support is to facilitate clients’ access to welfare benefits, health care and other suitable social and support services.
The team assists clients to follow up with their legal representatives on their asylum applications and other related matters.
The team also provides information and makes referrals in a range of areas, such as labour market access, training & education, accommodation & housing issues, volunteering, and support groups.
Initial Assessment
‘The Initial Assessment (IA) forms a key part of the rehabilitation process, and is multidisciplinary and holistic. The main purpose of the IA is to ascertain the current medical, therapeutic and psychosocial needs of the client. The ensuing Care Plan outlines the first steps to mobilise support services, internally in Spirasi and/or externally with other statutory and nonstatutory bodies, to respond to those needs. In 2017 Spirasi provided 193 IA’s.’
Strategic Plan 2018-2020 P.11